patent pending
What support does KDCalc come with?
KDCalc comes with 30-days of free email support from
Phone-in sales / feature requests and bug reports are free.
Phone-in consulting incidents are available for a fee. (see the Java or .NET pricing page)
Custom consulting development is available. Send inquiries to

When I try to run the parser, I get an ActiveX Control Error
You have to be an Administrator or have installation priviledges in order to run KDCalc.
KDCalc depends on having 3 dll's registered:
KDCalcParser.dll - default location in c:\Program Files\Knowledge Dynamics\KDCalc\bin\
dartZip.dll, dartSock.dll - located in c:\winnt\ or c:\windows\

To register a dll, use the DOS command regsvr32.
Example: regsvr32 "c:\winnt\dartZip.dll"
I am trying to use KDCalc.NET and keep getting errors refering to "vjslib.dll"
vjslib.dll refers to the Visual J# Library.
If you are using .NET version 1.0, you must have the 1.0 version of the JSharp Redistributable. The same holds true for versions 1.1.

In order to tell what version you have, look in your global assembly cache found in c:\winnt\assembly or c:\windows\assembly. The vjslib.dll marked v1.0.33 is JSharp v1.0, while the version marked v1.0.5 is JSharp v1.1.
How can I move my KDCalc license to another computer?
How can I request a feature to be added?
Please email us at