patent pending
What is it?
KDCalc converts Microsoft ExcelŽ spreadsheets into high-speed, light-weight calculation engines for Java or .NET platforms. KDCalc can also be paired with grid components to provide spreadsheet functionality.
  What is spreadsheet programming?
KDCalc allows both programmers and non-programmers to use Excel to develop lightweight, interactive client applications and highly scalable server applications. The diagram below illustrates the process:

Why do I need it?
Non-programmers can build and test complex logic in Excel, then convert and embed the logic into applications. This allows you to embed Excel calculations into web pages, and you can deploy them server side and tie them into JSPs, ASPs, and web services.
What do I get?
KDCalc consists of an Excel plug-in and a runtime engine. The plug-in converts your spreadsheets into callable libraries. The runtime engine provides intuitive API access to your cell formulas. In addition, the .NET version has a data adapter that easily integrates with .NET and third party controls and grids.
How do I use it?
The KDCalc plug-in installs directly into the Microsoft ExcelŽ toolbar. Click a few buttons to set up the deployment options, and KDCalc creates a compressed file that performs the calculations and data transformations in your Excel Workbook.