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next KDCalc is a great tool for building web based business simulations rapidly. It is easy to build complex logic in excel and compile it with KDCalc. Build Simulations Fast. Design & Build Simulations in Excel and deploy to the web. View Live demos at Build an academic simulation. Build a platform for Accenture simulation, accounting learning, accounting training, adl simulation, and adlnet eLearning. Learn about business learning, business simulation, business training, cmi simulation, and cmi training. Build applications for corporate eLearning, corporate learning, corporate simulation, eLearning simulation emba, engineering simulation, and epss. Use excel to build excel AI, excel simulation, excel simulation model, finance learning, finance training, and flash simulation. Try our free simulation AI game built with KDCalc our development game tool. ELearning and learning simulations with KDCalc by knowledge dynamics. Build a learning simulation, management learning simulation, or management training simulation. Build a learning simulation, management learning simulation, or management training simulation. We have a high performing simulation with a robust performance support process. We arrange simulation project management, simulations, project management training, and scorm simulations. We specialize in simulation development, using our simulation tool and simulation tools.